Sharpe Mixers exhibited at the now bi-annual Process Expo 2011, Chicago, Nov 1-4, 2011.
This is the first year that Process Expo is a stand-alone exhibition. It had been part of Pak Expo in the past. The new format brings a more focused audience to the show. People interested in food & beverage processing equipment, not packaging equipment, made up most of the attendees we saw this year. Our exhibit drew many food processors, especially, meat packers looking for brine mixers. Our all stainless steel portable mixer is a favorite in this industry.
Sharpe Mixers was the only agitator supplier at Process Expo. Other mixer companies, like those offering specialty mixers and high shear mixers were in attendance, but none of our common competitors were there.
Sharpe Mixers participated in the educational part of the exhibition this year. Two technical sessions were presented, detailing the sanitary design features used by Sharpe Mixers to bring our equipment into conformance with USDA, 3A and FDA standards and guidelines. Much of the focus was on our line of all stainless steel portable mixers. One of the seminars was presented in Spanish by Laurie Thayer, our in-house linguist and purchasing manager, to a Latin American audience, organized by FISA’s (Food Industry Suppliers’ Association) Educational branch, under their “Seminario de Innovaciones” program. Kyle Sides, our director of sales, presented the same seminar to a large group of English speaking participants.
The food & beverage industry continues to be a growing part of our business, as more and more plants look to upgrade the quality of their mixing equipment. Sharpe Mixers product development catering to the sanitary industries has made a very good impression on the marketplace. Show attendees who stopped by our exhibit recognized the advantage of our product features and benefits, making statements like “This is what we need”, “How soon can we get one of these?”, and “This is the mixer I was telling you about.”
The show was also a good opportunity to visit with our local sales representatives at Anderson Pumps & Process, with offices in Illinois and Wisconsin. Some of our other sales representatives visited us, including folks from F & H Food Equipment Co., KGO Group, Inox Pumps & Process and York Fluid Controls.
The future of the process industry trade show is definitely in transition. The overall attendance at this year’s Process Expo was good, not terrific, but, highly qualified. Attendance at most shows has dropped in the past few years, due to both the internet and the economic downturn. Going to a bi-annual cycle will help Process Expo maintain a better than average interest level. We may see other industry shows going to a less than annual calendar, in the future.
Sharpe Mixers will continue to support the food & beverage industry by exhibiting at Process Expo in October 2013.
Submitted by Fred DeCicco